Upgrading A Wonderchat Subscription

  1. How does upgrading my subscription work on Wonderchat? Will only be paying a pro-rata amount as we are only part way through the month?

You will be billed immediately for the full amount of the new plans cost (i.e. if you are upgrading from lite to basic, you will be billed $99). The number of messages in your account will be incremented by the amount allotted by the new plan. For instance, if you are upgrading from lite to basic, and you have 200 messages remaining, you will have 1200 messages after purchasing.

Your new next bill date will be set to 1 month from now. (i.e. if you upgrade today from lite to basic, you will be billed $99 every subsequent month from now.)

Essentially, you will not be paying for anything that you do not get to use. Do let me know if this makes sense or if you have any other questions!